Friday, September 14, 2007

Am not? Are too?

"So... what am I thinking? Or else, Why do I think what ever is on my mind today? Why the hell whatever other people say and do affects me in ways that SHOULD NOT affect me?"

A lonely teen age girl thought of this while walking down a narrow street. Rain was soaking her short, wavy dark brown hair, as well as her cheerful clothing, that in that moment had nothing to do with how was she feeling. Confusion, excitement and and worry were making a pool for themselves out of her mind and heart. And she didn't quite like it.

"God damn it! I'm such a wreck right now! My mother is always nagging me about my horribly untidy room, but as Einstein said: 'I'd rather have a messy desk, than a messy mind!' But now what? A mess in my feelings, in my ideas and in my room... this has got to an unacceptable extreme...!"

She stopped, looked at her surroundings and sighed. In an access of utter madness, she opened her arms to the skies and twirled while wearing a smile that was a bit bitter, a bit sincere and a bit unsure...

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