Wednesday, November 07, 2007

And yet I'm here tonight crying over nothing in particular.

I lie on my bed thinking of something I'm not aware of recreating in my mind... Where are those cheerful moments? Where's the laugh that always was inside my mouth? Where's the tenderness I used to feel for anybody else? Where's the mercy I tried to show to those who needed it? Where's my hope? Where's my love? Where, in the bloody hell, is my humanity? What's left of it?

I feel my tears rolling down my cheeks. I stand up and walk to my mirror and whom I see is no one I can recognize. I stare and ask the creature that's staring back. What is it? Who is it? How did I became into it? Was it me building castles in the air? Were the stupid little daydreams I used to have while I was supposed to be paying attention?

I'm still staring at it, directly to its eyes. And then, only for an instant, I see that the creature's almost as lost as I am. I try to help it find its way, and suddenly the creature becomes something I should have been more prepared to see. I almost screamed when I realized the creature was me!

A little bit more calmed, I crawl back into my bed. I will let my heart wash away whatever he's feeling throughout my tears. I'm alone, so there's nobody who'll make fun of me...

And without taking notice, I fall asleep, going to my secret place, when everything's what I want it to be...

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