Tuesday, January 22, 2008

People say that everything has its own place in life just because it exists. But my question here represents a deal. If I ever lost my place, would I stop existing?

I say this question is a deal because I still feel myself so corporeal, so present, so here; yet I also feel so ethereal, so forgotten, so absent too.

Or perhaps it is just that my time here has come to its end?, that my turn to fly away from anything that someday in the past fastened myself to my existence?

This change is not sudden. It is a situation that works very arsenic - like, but one thousand times worse. Because arsenic is a poison for someone's body, yet, even though the body dies, the soul is still intact. You'll need to worry when the body's alive, but the soul is being ripped to pieces, fails to breathe, or it chooses to leave bit by bit. And it is more dangerous when we are conscious about it, because then you come to halt in a disjunction: Live and hate OR die and forget.

So here I am, still trying to win my time from time itself so I can decide, but paying a high price for my insolence...

Each day I'm running out of reasons for staying, but I still want to try and correct any mistake I made.

Each minute I store tears that threaten to leak, yet my brain tells me to fight them back.

Each night of peaceful dreaming becomes a nightmare, because my demons play with mi unconsciousness, making me feel like I'm drowning in the middle of a huge whirl in the ocean.


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