Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sometimes, only sometimes...

Tonight I fell asleep as I always do, after revising my day and planning for the next, just as I lay while whispering to God, thanking Him for the blessed gift of life. I closed my eyes as Morpheus came to cuddle with me, singing a soft lullaby into my ear and I wander to the land of my own being, mysterious, absurd and wonderful as I may seem. But this time I fell for longer, though I did not scream, for somehow I just knew that it would not change anything, that I would have the same sensation and the same dream until it had played its role.

I knew what would happen when, the exact minute, the precise words, and yet I could not escape from the labyrinth of myself. I understood the meaning of it all, and yet I could not manage to overcome what everything implied. I felt like I was walking down the death row, knowing I was innocent and being completely mute. My heart was condemned to suffer your departure over and over and over again.

Whenever my heart manages to smash my mind, when the walls of reason and argument and demolished by the force of feelings pure and unadultered I find myself asking me what I am doing and why it is I cannnot simply let go of you.

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