Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Darkness, sweetnes, some loneliness and Voilà!

What can you do when everything is falling apart? Whenever you look around for an open door but all you see is despair? How can you not feel less than nothing? How can you ever succeed if feeling that way?

How can there be hope, when all you perceive is trouble? How come you can be all happy and one instant later be feeling like crap?

How many sincere smiles can you draw on your face when everything is far from alright? How come the people you know can't tell a fake and put up smile from a genuine? Why is it that whenever you need all the help you can get, none is offered? Why is it that whenever you need stability, all your world crumbles at your feet?

Whenever you feel like dying, pouring all those guilts out of your heart; whenever you want out of something but there's no exit; whenever your essence is changing and you don't know why; whenever someone's trying to make you feel better, but there are only empty or not so empty words...

Die. Just do whatever you please, let loose that instinct if you're brave enough.

Cause depression is not as bad as they draw it. Cause sometimes the exit is just what you want it to be. Cause maybe, whatever on the contrary is said, we are alone... Cause in the end, no one else is going to be there, just you, yourself and your guts if you've got them...

Cause the goal of life of human being is to stay here after dying, to leave something of your own for the next generations to acknowledge you, but what can you leave when you're only seventeen?

Perhaps just your space, a bit more of oxygen, a bit of sadness to those who might have appreciated you in life. But you never transcended. You never left anything to be remembered for. And after some months you'll only be a memory, years later you'll only be an idea, and then, you'll never be here again... Everything you lived would be erased as if anything ever existed...

So... just die, at your own hands. Never be afraid of anything... Best to die young and whole, than having to deal with the emptiness of age...

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