Thursday, October 25, 2007

Today I let you have the pleasure of seeing me squirm under your moronic and tactless attitude. You made me so angry, that I did more stupid things today than all last year's time. I took the bother of caring too much for you, and I knew that I could end like this. I never knew however, that you could have such an effect on me. I won't let you do this ever again.

I knew you never gave me a place, you never valued me as a human being; I now realize that you only wanted to get benefits of me, that I didn't matter at all, that whatever I did was not important, that all you care about is you.

So don't get me wrong this time: sod off. I was so wrong when I even became friends with you. I don't regret it, because I learnt many things out of it, but sod off. Burn in hell because you've just created your worst enemy. Sometimes when you seek indifference to avoid hurting anyone that's the last thing you'll get, without hurting that person, but torturing yourself. One day, mark my words, you'll end just worse than you are now.

We could have talked, we could have come to an easy end, we could have had so much... But you threw it all away.

And I made the same mistake as you did. But unlike you, I'm willing to accept my mistakes, learn from them and try to repair what moronically I broke.

You will never get to me again. This is farewell, this is end, this is closure, this is not hate, but revenge, this is not a peaceful lapse, this means war in a way you never knew, this is more than only a "you'll pay"...

As for those who I hurt, or the relationships I mutilated: I'm sorry. Truly sorry. And this time I do regret behaving the way I did towards you. I never meant to be so stupid, but sometimes you can't help being who and what you are. I really want to talk this and mend whatever damage I caused by being so empty - headed.

This is also a farewell to everything anyone ever knew me for. Goodbye to everything I thought I am. Goodbye to the certainty, the security, the holding on onto people, things, feelings or anything else. Goodbye to the confidences, to the so called feeling of belonging, to the warmth of an embrace, to the need of fitting into a group, to the stupid hope of finding someone that would love me for me other than myself, to the pointless efforts of doing what socially is correct, cause what is correct for others is not always right for me.

Call me egotistical, envious, overprotective of myself, vile for any human existence. Do I really mind what other people think of me? I think the answer is pretty obvious: NO. But again, if I do not take care of myself, who else is going to do so?


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